The Made in Canada Lifestyle Brand

Canada Football Team, White City Stadium, London, England 1944.
We’re Typical Canadians
Maple syrup, camping, moccasins, lumberjack plaid – we don’t dislike these stereotypes. On the contrary, we grew up on them, we just know that there is more to Canada and Canadian style. To us, Canada is about luxury and quality as much as it is casual and cozy. It’s about the beach and lake life as much as it is the city. It’s about classic as much as it is cool.

Atlantic Ocean, Ingonish Beach, Cape Breton.
Keeping it One Hundred
We've set out to create a brand that represents the lifestyle and culture that is being cultivated throughout Canada. The time is right for a Canadian inspired lifestyle brand that is 100% Made in Canada. One that honours the past but is always looking forward to a fashionable future.

Pacific Ocean, Long Beach, British Columbia.
Welcome to Province of Canada