Introducing Standard Time

Province of Canada - Standard Time

Some will know that the Province of Canada team has a thing for researching interesting nuggets about Canadian culture and history. In fact, it's how we landed on our name. In our ongoing pursuit to educate the citizens about all that is "of Canada" (beyond the stereotypes we grew up on), we thought what better way to inform the masses than a daily Canadian tidbit.

This isn't a compilation of common knowledge bits (i.e. the origins of poutine). We're diving deep into all our available resources to curate one Canadian fact a day that you should know about. Standard Time will send an email at 12:00pm EST every weekday

Why "Standard Time", you ask? You'll have to sign up to find out. The first Standard Time will hit inboxes February 5th.

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"It doesn't have to look Canadian to be Canadian."

Julie Brown