To celebrate our 10 Year Anniversary, we decided to bring back our original logo sweatshirt. This sweatshirt was a fan favourite and the first product to put us on the map. Thank you for believing in us (when sometimes we didn't), thank you for popping by when we opened the store, and thank you for supporting made in Canada since 2014.

Our new Classic Logo Sweatshirts are made in Canada with our super soft 20oz fleece. Inspired by a hand-painted, apple stand sign. Available in three new colour ways, online and in-store.

10 Years in the Making.
After countless, scratched out ideas, the only thing we knew for sure was that the name itself should include 'Canada'. The goal of the brand was to make all of our products in Canada while redefining what a Canadian lifestyle brand's aesthetic could be. The thinking was, if we didn't intend to lean on the typical Canadian stereotypes of lumberjack plaid and maple syrup, then 'Canada' needs to be part of the name.
So there we were, standing amongst fruits and vegetables, starring at the McIntosh apple sign; 'McIntosh Apples, Product of Canada'. If it wasn't so literal, it would have been perfect. That 'of Canada', captured the feeling we were going for. We grabbed the apples, went home and took to Google. We pulled up the Wikipedia page for Canada and started reading. Six paragraphs in, our brand name surfaced: "In 1841, Upper Canada and Lower Canada was referred to as Province of Canada".
As soon as we read the words out loud, Julie (born and raised in Lower Canada) and I (born and raised in Upper Canada) knew that our brand name search was over. Within minutes, we registered provinceofcanada.com. That was November 11th, 2013 — six months later, on May 22nd, 2014, Julie and I launched the brand and logo that would change the game, as they say.
When we designed the original logo, we had no idea it would be often imitated (never duplicated), and make it's way on to design 'moodboards' across Canada. A few months into our company's existence, the little brand that we started in our loft with $1500 was influencing a country. So much so, that in 2018 we decided it was time for a redesign, paving the way for our current wordmark and flag logo.
Launching our brand redesign was a bittersweet day, we loved it and still do but we had a special place in our hearts for that original logo — it meant a lot to us and it helped shape our identity. We knew one day we would bring it back, we just didn't know when. Ten year's later - like a McIntosh apple falling out of a tree, the idea hit us on the head. Our 10 year anniversary seemed like the perfect time to pay homage to the logo that started it all.