Bouquet of Flowers


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Flower orders will be ready to pick up in-store on May 11th or 12th depending on the day you select. 1004 Queen St. East, Toronto, Ontario. Store Hours: 10am – 6pm.

We know it's hard to find that perfect thing for that special person in your life, so we teamed up with Lou-Lou's Flower Truck to create a simple, elegant and thoughtful floral arrangement. Each bouquet is made with a grouping of multi-stemmed Spray Roses, a touch of greenery, and then wrapped in our Fleur newspaper print.

Not around Toronto but love someone who is? Add a personal message and let them know there's something special waiting for them at our store.

  • Soft Pink and White Spray Roses.
  • Wrapped with Province of Canada Floral newspaper print. 
  • Pick Up In-Store Only, No Shipping.

Let's be honest, you can't just get flowers. Add a Candle, a Mom crewneck, Slipper Socks or Lounge Sweatpants for that "night in." Pair the bouquet with a little something extra from our Mom Collection.

There’s a reason you feel reassured when you find a t-shirt that reads ‘made in Canada’ on the label. To many, local manufacturing is synonymous with quality and equality, which is why 'made in Canada’ is the main pillar of our company. Keeping everything made in Canada makes our design studio a second home and our manufacturers our neighbours, and that’s really the most Canadian thing we can think of.

We know it can be challenging to pick the correct size online, even when using a size chart. If you simply want to exchange for a different size, and your original order met our $100 shipping benchmark (before tax), we will cover the shipping. See our Return Page for excluded products and details. View our Exchange and Return Form to start an Exchange or Return.

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